Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hello Everyone!

I finally have a second that I am not at school or work! So I was looking at everyones wonderful blogs and I thought that I would make one also because I want to be just like all of you! I love to see how everyone is doing!!! So yes I am now in Provo going to school at Bon Losee and working at the Provo Courtyard by Marriott! I miss my family but at least I have the Hicks Family right here!! Aunt Pam and the whole family have done so much for me!! I probobly could not make it!! So thank you Hicks family and Thank you Mom for believing in me and helping me!! I am so excited for courtney to move back here!! Its about time court! I have just recently been accepted onto the Admissions Team at school so that should be a good and fun experience for me! My advisor for that says that I have to be really outgoing and I have to be willing to get out of my comfort zone so we shall see how that goes!! hahaha!! I am excited about it!! For any of you that didnt know I have moved out of my old appartment and moved into a new one with all girls that go to my same school! So yes I spend all day at school with them and then go back to my apartment and spend the rest of the day with them. It really is not as bad as it sounds! All of the girls are really nice and we all have the same standards and the spirit really dwells in this new apartment! I miss you all! Dont be strangers!


Courtney said...

Hi sister! Welcomt to Blogging! Haha I am so glad you joined! It really is a good concept and a way to look back and remember. It is like a online gournal that people can read haha. And I am also excited to come back and live by you! See you soon sis!

Rachel said...

I'm glad you are a blogger now. I love getting blog updates while I am bored at work. And your pics are pretty cute!

Pam said...

GOOOO BRANDY! We miss you around our house but I am so glad you are happier. Love, Aunt Pam

Laura said...

Hooray for Brandy's blog! I am excited to read up on your exciting life. I'm glad to hear you have a new apartment/roomates that you enjoy.

Tiffany said...

Welcome Brandy Boo! Sorry you can't go to California this weekend. But Court will be moving up soon enough!